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A teapot for hot and cold tea HARIO COLD BREW. The volume of the bottle is 750 ml, the transparent case is made of heat-resistant glass. At the top of the “bottle” there is a strainer for placing tea leaves, which also allows you to separate the leaves from the finished drink. You just have to pour the right amount of water on top of it. Thanks to the unusual shape of this teapot, the taste of tea will be revealed in a completely new way, which will pleasantly surprise you!
To make iced tea at home, you can use our brewing recommendation:
Pour 10 g of tea into a bottle that you can rinse with boiling water beforehand so that the drink can be stored longer. For 10-15 seconds, pour tea with a small amount of hot water (about 100 g), add the remaining volume with fresh cold water, and then mix. Insist from 2 to 12 hours (to taste) in the refrigerator, while it is not necessary to remove the tea leaves. Store up to 3 days in the refrigerator. Drink pure or in combination with mint, citrus or berries!
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